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Many will recall the issues found several years ago with lead in the water supply in Flint, Michigan.
As a result of that issue, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), has mandated that ALL water systems in the Nation conduct a survey of their system for possible lead content. The results of the survey is to be reported to the EPA by October 2024.
Over the next month, we will be sending a questionnaire form to all customers to complete regarding the water pipes from the meter to your home and the pipes within your home. We will also be making the form available online, so you can complete and submit the form online.
Once the questionnaire is sent, and the online form is available, we will let you know.
We appreciate everyone completing the questionnaire and submitting it as soon as possible.
May be an image of body of water and text that says 'EPA CONCERNED ABOUT LEAD IN YOUR DRINKING WATER? Sources of LEAD in Drinking Water Copper Pipe Lead Solder: Solder made installed before 1986 contained high lead levels. Faucets: Fixtures inside your home may contain ead. Galvanized Pipe: Lead particles attach surface of galvanized pipes. Over time, particles can enter drinking water, causing elevated lead levels. Lead Service Line: The service that internal plumbing. Lead service can major source lead contamination in water. WATER METER Lead Goose Necks: necks shorter pipes that connect the lead service line to the main. AINWATERLINE'